When traveling with a family, it is essential that you have a clear understanding of your duties, responsibilities, and pay. The best way to ensure a mutual understanding is by completing a travel work agreement. Because your schedule, duties, and responsibilities will likely vary a bit from your norm, documenting the terms of your work travel arrangement are essential. Things you’ll want to include in a work travel agreement include what your accommodations will be like and confirmation room, board and travel will be paid for by your employer. You’ll also want to be sure there is a clear understanding of your wage rate during travel time. Consulting a reputable nanny tax and payroll specialist like GTM Payroll Services can ensure you understand what you are entitled to when traveling when it comes to overnights, sleeptime, and overtime, as this may vary from what you normally encounter. It’s also important to remember that when traveling with a family, it is not your trip; you are there to make your work family’s trip easier by providing consistent and high quality childcare.